Hideaway True Blue & GTA Bring Renewable Energy to Grenada’s Craft & Spice Market
Vendors and patrons who frequent the Spice and Craft Market on Grand Anse Beach, popularly called the vendors market, can feel more secure at nights. Ten solar powered streetlights were installed in and round the property on Friday, May 07, courtesy of Hideaway True Blue Inc.
The lights were donated by Hideaway True Blue Inc. to support the Grenada Tourism Authority’s thrust to promote community tourism and regenerative tourism in Grenada. It is expected to improve business functions in the marketplace, which has become a popular night-time hotspot for locals and foreigners alike.
Chairman and CEO of Hideaway True Blue Inc., Dr. Richard Nixon, said he leaped at the idea to provide the lights when approached by the product development team at the GTA. “There’s a need to make Grenada a bit more attractive [and] safe, by promoting safe places for children and families to hang out in the evening times,” Nixon said.
“We’ve done some on Magazine Beach and we saw the immediate impact it brought… It creates a nice ambience for people to come out in the evening and socialise.”
Community tourism continues to be a focus for Nixon and Hideaway True Blue Inc. – the developer of Hideaway True Blue, one of the few fully constructed and operational Citizenship by Investment projects in Grenada. The company continues to use the income it has generated from its operations to improve human resource capacity in Grenada, as well as the overall standard of living for Grenadians.
In addition to lighting the Craft & Spice Market on Grand Anse Beach, Hideaway True Blue Inc. has also lighted the playing ground in Tanteen and is a major sponsor of the Festival of Lights. It has also partnered with Her Majesty’s Prison to improve its security systems, as well as donated computer systems to public primary schools, and IT equipment and services to the Queen Elizabeth Home, among other things.
The company’s aim to bring solar lights to more beaches around the country, is directly supportive of the GTAs greater long-term initiative. “Where we want to go long term is regenerative tourism. Yes, we understand that sustainable tourism, the Pure Grenada brand works in terms of aspiration for Grenada as a sustainable product, but we understand we have to get to the next step,” said Kirl Hoschtialek, manager of GTAs product development department.

“It’s all about merging livelihoods with tourism and long-term prosperity. It requires our ability as government to do both things – understand the needs of the community and take the people along with us. This is very important.”
Regenerative tourism involves creating the systems that support life’s ability to renew itself, flourish and transform into better forms of itself. According to Hoschtialek, it takes sustainable tourism to a next level.
Health and safety, particularly in the post-COVID environment are important to stimulating regenerative tourism in Grenada and are therefore a key priority area for the GTA. Having support from local businessmen like Nixon, says Hoschtialek, is always appreciated.
“Working with Dr. Nixon is always a pleasure. Yes, he is in the tourism industry and is a tourism stakeholder, but you see that he really wants to see things change and take a more sustainable path. With stakeholders like that, and partnerships like that, you cannot take them for granted.”
As for Nixon and his team at Hideaway True Blue, their hope is that Grenada can truly become more carbon neutral by 2035. “It’s not about putting anybody out of business, it’s about using technology and finding new ways to enhance the product. It’s a global initiative, and I’m happy Grenada can be part of it, and I’m pleased that I can be part of it.”